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Grace | Participate | 11-2005

Grace archive page for this service

"We have this nice inward facing circle. This is part of our Grace problem. We seem close to God when we are facing inwards. We have fallen for the trap of thinking God is in here. But God is out there. A Great Reversal needs to take place. When we talked about our ethos, one word kept coming up that never made it in to the three but perhaps undergirds them all - risk. Following God is a risk."

"So finally I'm going to ask you a simple question from the baptism service 'do you turn to Christ?'."

"As I do respond 'I do' if you'd like to. And as you do turn and face outwards. Then stay for a minute or two in silence facing outwards asking God to lead you and us into the future."


The creations from the last service were hung up for examination.

We were slightly stunned by this one. Someone took their broken piece of plate from the Engage service around their town to symbolise their engagement with it.

Top right, one of the 'consequences' prayers from Create.





In tiny letters, not Catherine Deneuve!


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