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Greenbelt | 30 | 2003

Cheltenham racecourse, Gloucestershire, England

Assembling for the Sunday morning service. By 2003 numbers had risen and the service used the main racestand for seating.

Jon Birch, Jonny Baker and friends lead the worship. This was the moment of the Iraq war and the theme was 'not in my name!'.

The Sunday service.

The inflatable church.

The inflatable church.

The inflatable church.

Colourscape was an air-supported sequence of rooms made of coloured plastic. You took your shoes off and they gave you a coloured cloak. Daniel Miller and Mark Waddington of Grace compare photos.

Me in Colourscape.

A falafel from Nuts food stall in the Performance Cafe.

The Performance Cafe.

A stall selling pictures, at night.

Pie stall.

For a number of years someone had entertained Greenbelt with late-night readings of Winnie the Pooh - in a way that brought out every possible irony and innuendo in the text. This became a huge success, but of course the book had to end. This was the last night.

The last night of Winnie the Pooh. For a long time people had brought soft toys, balloons and pictures of the characters to wave whenever they were mentioned.

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